Create Sample Level Heat Map for RNA-Seq

Create Sample Level Heat Map for RNA-Seq takes at least two Expression tracks (Image rnaseqtrack_16_h_p) and creates a heat map that displays the distances between samples with respect to their feature expression profiles. Each track represents a sample in the heat map. See The sample level heat map view for details.

To run the tool, go to:

        Tools | RNA-Seq and Small RNA Analysis (Image rna_seq_group_closed_16_n_p)| Expression Plots (Image rna_expression_plots_folder_closed_16_n_p) | Create Sample Level Heat Map for RNA-Seq (Image heatmap_16_n_p)

The following options for performing hierarchical clustering for the samples (see Normalization and clustering) can be configured in the Distances dialog (figure 33.71):

Image create_sample_heat_map1
Figure 33.71: Distance options used to create the heat map.

The following options for filtering the features used to create the heat map can be configured in the Feature filters dialog (figure 33.72):

Image create_sample_heat_map2
Figure 33.72: Feature filtering options.
