Reference data for QIAseq analyses

Most analyses in the QIAseq Panel Analysis Assistant use QIAGEN Reference Data Sets for the corresponding panel/kit, see QIAGEN Sets.

View reference data

To view the reference data used by an analysis, click View Reference Data under More in the QIAseq Panel Analysis Assistant wizard. The "View Reference Data" wizard opens, listing the Reference Data Elements used (figure 14.107). Clicking on the name of the Reference Data Set, at the top of the wizard (figure 14.107), opens the Reference Data Manager with the relevant Reference Data Set selected.

Image panel_guide_view_reference_data
Figure 14.107: View reference data. The "Somatic, Illumina" analysis for the DHS-001Z panel uses the "QIAseq DNA Panels hg19" Reference Data Set. All but the target regions have been previously downloaded to the CLC Workbench. The "Download to Server" button is present because the CLC Workbench is logged into a CLC Server. However, all Reference Data Elements are already downloaded on the CLC Server and the button is disabled.

The Reference Data Elements that have previously been downloaded can be shown in the Navigation Area by clicking on the (Image find_in_project_16_n_p) button.

Download reference data prior to execution

All missing Reference Data Elements can be downloaded by clicking on the Download to Workbench button in the "View Reference Data" wizard (figure 14.107). Alternatively, click on (Image download_from_web_16_h_p) to download individual elements. If the CLC Workbench is logged into a CLC Server, there is also a Download to Server button.

Download reference data during execution

All missing Reference Data Elements can be downloaded during the execution of an analysis. After starting the analysis using the Run button, the "Acquire reference data" wizard step allows for downloading the missing Reference Data Elements by using the Download to Workbench button (figure 14.108). If the CLC Workbench is logged into a CLC Server, there is also a Download to Server button.

Image panel_guide_reference_data_on_run
Figure 14.108: Download missing Reference Data Elements during execution. The "Download to Server" button is present because the CLC Workbench is logged into a CLC Server. However, all Reference Data Elements are already downloaded on the CLC Server and the button is disabled.

When executing the analysis on a CLC Server, the reference data must be available on the CLC Server. When executing the analysis on the CLC Workbench while logged into a CLC Server, reference data on the CLC Server can be used, but for performance reasons it is recommended to copy the reference data to the CLC Workbench (figure 14.108).

Use different reference data

To use a different Reference Data Set, see Configuring QIAseq analyses.

A different Reference Data Set is usually needed for analyzing data generated using QIAseq custom panels/kits, see QIAseq custom panels.

See Reference Data Sets and defining Custom Sets for information about Reference Data Sets.