Create Feature Level Heat Map for RNA-Seq

Create Feature Level Heat Map for RNA-Seq takes at least two Expression tracks (Image rnaseqtrack_16_h_p) and creates a heat map that displays feature expression levels across these tracks. Each track represents a sample in the heat map. See The heat map view for details.

To run the tool, go to:

        Tools | RNA-Seq and Small RNA Analysis (Image rna_seq_group_closed_16_n_p)| Expression Plots (Image rna_expression_plots_folder_closed_16_n_p) | Create Feature Level Heat Map for RNA-Seq (Image heatmap_16_n_p)

The following options for performing hierarchical clustering for the samples and features (see Normalization and clustering) can be configured in the Distances dialog (figure 33.74):

Image create_heat_map1
Figure 33.74: Distance options used to create the heat map.

Genomes often have too many features to visualize all of them meaningfully, and clustering such a large number is time-consuming. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the number of features by configuring the options in the Feature filters dialog (figure 33.75):

Image create_heat_map2
Figure 33.75: Feature filtering options.
