De Novo Assemble Long Reads output

In addition to the sequence list of assembled contigs, the following outputs are available:

De Novo Assemble Long Reads report

Image long_denovo_report
Figure 35.30: De Novo Assemble Long Reads report

The assembly report contains information on the base and length distributions of the contigs. An example of the first sections of the report is shown in figure 35.30.

For HiFi data, the report contains an additional section:

Assembly graph

Image long_denovo_assembly_graph
Figure 35.31: Assembly graph view

The assembly graph provides visual representations of the sequences in the contig list, and sequences that were excluded.

The viewer shows a single graph component (group of connected sequences) at a time. You switch between them using the Side Panel Graph components dropdown. To exclude graphs composed of a single contig, select Hide single contigs.

When hovering over a contig, its name and length are accessible as a tooltip and in the lower right corner of the view.

Dragging a contig initiates a layout animation. The animation aims to adhere to a graph layout governed by a set of force-directed rules. Consequently, when a contig is moved in a specific direction, the algorithm will strives to return to a low-energy state.