Polish Contigs with Reads

The Polish Contigs with Reads tool facilitates the process of refining a set of contigs with high quality reads. This enables the creation of hybrid assemblies by first creating an assembly from long, error prone reads, and subsequently using high-quality reads to polish the contigs.

Before polishing, the high-quality reads should be stripped of adapters and lower quality bases. This can be done using Trim Reads (Trim Reads).

The tool uses Racon [Vaser et al., 2017] with additional improvements inspired by Minipolish [Wick and Holt, 2019]. Racon uses a divide-and-conquer approach for rapid consensus calling. The partial order alignment (POA) of the reads against the target sequences occurs in non-overlapping windows on the target sequences. This approach has the consequence that Racon may not always use a globally optimal alignment of reads for consensus calling.

Polishing is conducted in two steps. Following each step, a set of corrections are carried out to improve contig quality:

To run the Polish Contigs with Reads tool, go to:

        Tools | De Novo Sequencing (Image de_novo_sequencing) | Polish Contigs with Reads (Image polish_w_reads_16_h_p)

Select a contig sequence list.

In the next dialog, set the polishing parameters (figure 35.32):

Image polish_with_reads_step1
Figure 35.32: Polish Contigs with Reads parameters
