Structural Variant Caller for Long Reads
The Structural Variant Caller for Long Reads tool calls structural variants of length >= 35 from long reads. The input read mapping must have been produced by the Map Long Reads to Reference tool using CLC Genomics Workbench 24 or later.
The tool is designed for Whole Genome Sequencing data. Targeted sequencing is not explicitly supported. If this is necessary, a workaround may be to generate a pseudo reference genome consisting purely of the targeted regions using the Extract Annotated Regions tool (see Extract Annotated Regions).
The tool does not have specific handling for circular chromosomes. Circular chromosomes are treated as if they were linear. This means that variants near the origin may go undetected because the part of the read wrapping around the origin is ignored.
- Structural Variant Caller for Long Reads settings
- Structural Variant Caller for Long Reads output
- Structural Variant Caller for Long Reads algorithm