Import Expression Data

Import Expression Data imports expression data from a tabular file. The importer produces one expression track per sample.

To run the importer, go to:

        Tools | RNA-Seq and Small RNA Analysis (Image rna_seq_group_closed_16_n_p) | RNA-Seq Tools (Image rna_expert_folder_closed_16_n_p) | Import Expression Data (Image rnaseq)

The following options can be configured (figure 33.66):

Image import_expression_data
Figure 33.66: Configurable options for "Import Expression Data".

Image count_matrix_rpkm
Figure 33.67: Expression data for four samples. The first column contains Ensembl gene names and the expressions are RPKM values.

Importing sample metadata

Certain types of analysis, such as Differential Expression for RNA-Seq, require sample metadata. The sample metadata can be imported into a CLC Metadata Table from an Excel, CSV or TSV file, see Importing metadata for details. Once the metadata is imported, it can be associated with the imported expression tracks, see Associating data elements with metadata for details.

When used in a workflow, Import Expression Data can both import the metadata and associate the resulting CLC Metadata Table with the expression tracks. The CLC Metadata Table is used by downstream tools that require metadata, such as Differential Expression for RNA-Seq. The following additional options can be configured:

Image count_matrix_metadata
Figure 33.68: Sample metadata for the expression data from figure 33.67.