

A choice between running particular parts of an analysis can be offered by including one or more Fork (Image branch_on_static_16_n_p) elements in a workflow.

Including Fork elements in workflows can also help decrease the number of workflows that need to be maintained, as multiple analysis paths can be included in a single workflow, with only one or some of those paths being taken when the workflow is run.

For example, when the workflow shown in figure 14.62 is launched, a choice between "Quality" and "Quality and Vector" is offered in the launch wizard. Choosing "Quality" means the data will flow down the path containing the "Trim on Quality" element, while choosing "Quality and Vector" means the data will flow down the path containing the "Trim Vector and on Quality" element.

Image fork_workflow_example
Figure 14.62: A simple workflow with a Fork element. When launched, a choice is offered in the launch wizard for which path the the analysis should follow.

Configuring Fork elements

The configuration of Fork elements determines what is shown in the "Specify workflow paths" launch wizard step (figure 14.63 and figure 14.64). Specifically:

Renaming and configuring workflow elements is described in Basic configuration of workflow elements.

Image fork_with_default_configured
Figure 14.63: A Fork element renamed as "Trim for" is open for configuration. The wizard step seen when launching a workflow with this Fork element is shown in figure 14.64.

Image fork_renaming_effect
Figure 14.64: This workflow has a single Fork element, renamed as "Trim for". The path names, "Quality" and "Quality and Vector", (see figure14.63) are listed in the "Specify workflow path" launch wizard step (top right)

Flexibility potential using Fork elements

Fork elements provide a great deal of flexibility in the types of choices that can be offered when launching workflows. Examples include:

When a workflow contains multiple Fork elements, all the corresponding choices are presented in a single "Specify workflow paths" launch wizard step (figure 14.66).

Image fork_one_or_both_paths
Figure 14.65: When launching this workflow, the choice can be made to trim sequences based on quality, trim for vector sequence, or trim for both.

Image fork_multiple_elements
Figure 14.66: There are two Fork elements in this workflow, and thus two choices will need to be made when launching it. Both are presented in the "Specify workflow path" launch wizard step. The Yes/No choice for the "Generate sequence statistics" option determines whether or not the Create Sequence Statistics analysis will be run.