View Annotations in a table
The Annotation Table () view lists the annotations in a table. Standard functionality for working with tables applies, as described in Working with tables. Here we highlight functionality of particular interest when working with annotations.
This view is useful for getting a quick overview of annotations, and for filtering so that only the annotations of interest are listed. From this view, you can edit and add annotations, export selected annotations to a gff3 format file, and delete annotations. This functionality is described in more detail below.
To open the Annotation Table () view:
Select a sequence in the Navigation Area and right-click on the file name | Hold the mouse over "Show" to enable a list of options | Annotation Table ()
or If the sequence is already open | Click Show
Annotation Table () at the lower left part of
the view
This will open a view similar to the one in figure 15.18).
Figure 15.18: A table showing annotations on the sequence.
In the Side Panel you can show or hide individual annotation types in the table. E.g. if you only wish to see "gene" annotations, de-select the other annotation types so that only "gene" is selected.
Each row in the table is an annotation which is represented with the following information:
- Name.
- Type.
- Region.
- Qualifiers.
This information corresponds to the information in the dialog when you edit and add annotations (see Adding annotations).
The Name, Type and Region for each annotation can be edited simply by double-clicking, typing the change directly, and pressing Enter. See Edit annotations for further information about editing annotations.