Manipulate parts of the sequence
Right-clicking a
selection reveals several options on manipulating the selection (see
figure 19.10).
Figure 19.10: Right click on a sequence selection in the cloning view.
- Replace Selection with sequence. This will replace the selected region with a sequence. The sequence to be inserted can be selected from a list containing all sequences in the cloning editor.
- Insert Sequence before Selection (
). Insert a sequence before the selected region. The sequence to be inserted can be selected from a list containing all sequences in the cloning editor.
- Insert Sequence after Selection (
). Insert a sequence after the selected region. The sequence to be inserted can be selected from a list containing all sequences in the cloning editor.
- Cut Sequence before Selection (
). This will cleave the sequence before the selection and will result in two smaller fragments.
- Cut Sequence after Selection (
). This will cleave the sequence after the selection and will result in two smaller fragments.
- Make Positive Strand Single Stranded (
). This will make the positive strand of the selected region single stranded.
- Make Negative Strand Single Stranded (
). This will make the negative strand of the selected region single stranded.
- Make Double Stranded (
). This will make the selected region double stranded.
- Move Starting Point to Selection Start. This is only active for circular sequences. It will move the starting point of the sequence to the beginning of the selection.
- Copy Selection (
). This will copy the selected region to the clipboard, which will enable it for use in other programs.
- Duplicate Selection. If a selection on the sequence is duplicated, the selected region will be added as a new sequence to the cloning editor with a new sequence name representing the length of the fragment. When a sequence region between two restriction sites are double-clicked the entire region will automatically be selected. This makes it very easy to make a new sequence from a fragment created by cutting with two restriction sites (right-click the selection and choose Duplicate selection).
- Open Selection in New View (
). This will open the selected region in the normal sequence view.
- Edit Selection (
). This will open a dialog box, in which is it possible to edit the selected residues.
- Delete Selection (
). This will delete the selected region of the sequence.
- Add Annotation (
). This will open the Add annotation dialog box.
- Show Enzymes Only Cutting Selection (
). This will add enzymes cutting this selection to the Side Panel.
- Insert Restriction Sites before/after Selection. This will show a dialog where you can choose from a list restriction enzymes (see Insert Restriction Sites).