
Running an analysis directly from a Result Metadata Table

Analysis results from tools listed in the table of Create Result Metadata Table are automatically added to the Result Metadata Table as long as it was performed on samples associated with metadata. Content of the Result Metadata Table may be managed in similar ways as other tables in CLC Genomics Workbench (, but it can also be used to start new analyses using the With selected (Image select_16_h_p) button which provides the option of various downstream analysis of the selected dataset.

To perform an analysis on one or more samples, begins by selecting the relevant rows followed by finding the associated elements by clicking on the Find Associated Data (Image find_in_project_16_h_p) button. All associated elements are then listed in window below called Metadata Elements. You can see an example in figure 20.8, where a Metadata Result Table includes 6 rows (Metadata, top view), while 30 elements are found to be associated to these 6 rows (Metadata Elements, bottom view).

Image rmt_first_filter
Figure 20.8: In total, 30 files are associated to the selected 6 sample rows within the Result Metadata Table.

As the number of samples, metadata and data elements increases over time, and the Result Metadata Table likely will include a mix of analyzed and novel samples, it is helpful to perform filtering steps to identify the elements you are looking for (see Filtering in Result Metadata Table). Once filtering is done, it is easy to select the remaining rows of data elements and click the With selected (Image select_16_h_p) button to start tools such as Create K-mer Tree and Create SNP Tree, or initiate a workflow analyses using an opened and customized version of a workflow.

Filtering in Result Metadata Table

Filtering is generally performed as a two step process: by picking or filtering firstly on the rows of the Result Metadata Table and secondly among the associated Metadata Elements.

Filtering can be done several ways, usually using a combination of the following options:

Filtering in a SNP-Tree creation scenario

To construct a SNP tree, all sample data must have been analyzed (i.e., reads mapped and variants called) using the same reference sequence. If we want to use all the samples that were generated by the Map to Specified Reference workflow on several occasions using a common reference sequence, we use the quick filtering options.