Taxonomic Profiling parameters

To run the Taxonomic Profiling tool, go to

        Tools | Microbial Genomics Module (Image mgm_folder_closed_flat_16_h_p) | Metagenomics (Image wma_folder_open_flat_16_n_p) | Taxonomic Analysis (Image taxonomic_analysis_folder_16_n_p) | Taxonomic Profiling (Image taxonomic_profiler_16_n_p)

In the first dialog, select the sequence list to analyze (figure 6.19).

Image taxpro_1
Figure 6.19: Select a sequence list as input.

When sequences are selected, click Next, and you will see the dialog in (figure 6.20).

Select reference databases:

Image taxpro_2
Figure 6.20: Set the parameters for taxonomic profiling.

Curated reference databases and taxonomic profiling indexes are available with the Download Curated Microbial Reference Database tool (Download Curated Microbial Reference Database). Alternatively, you can use the Download Custom Microbial Reference Database tool (Download Custom Microbial Reference Database) to create your own custom reference database. To create indexes from reference databases and host genomes, use the Create Taxonomic Profiling Index tool (Create Taxonomic Profiling Index).
Metagenome indexes, available from Download Curated Microbial Reference Database tool (Download Curated Microbial Reference Database) or created with Create Whole Metagenome Index (Create Whole Metagenome Index), are not supported.

Under Set reads parameters, the following options are available: