The MLST Typing Result element

The MLST Typing Result element contains several views. Switching between the views of the scheme is done by clicking the buttons at the lower-left corner of the view. The number of Sequence Types shown is limited to 100 or the number of Sequence Types in the scheme, depending on which is lower.

Image lmlst_st_table
Figure 9.15: The sequence type table for a MLST Typing Result.

The sequence type table is a tabular view with information about how well the sample matched the sequence types in the scheme. It contains the following columns:

Image lmlst_allele_table
Figure 9.16: The allele table for a MLST Typing Result.

The allele table (figure 9.16) contains information about the alleles that were identified in the sample. It contains the following columns:

Image lmlst_novel
Figure 9.17: The novel allele view for a MLST Typing Result.

The novel allele view (figure 9.17) contains the novel alleles that were detected (if searching for novel alleles was enabled during the typing).

It is a sequence list, and it is possible to extract the complete sequences using the Create New Sequence List button.

The Gene completeness column is the only non-standard sequence list column: if a novel allele starts with a start codon and ends with a stop codon it is considered complete. Note that all novel alleles found with a scheme without a translation code will be incomplete.