Annotate CDS with Best BLAST Hit

The Annotate CDS with Best BLAST Hit tool will allow you to annotate a set of contigs containing CDS annotations with their best BLAST hit.

To start the analysis, go to:

        Toolbox | Microbial Genomics Module (Image mgm_folder_closed_flat_16_h_p) | Functional Analysis (Image functional_analysis_folder_closed_16_n_p) | Annotate CDS with Best BLAST Hit (Image annotate_cds_blast_16_n_p)

Several parameters are available:

Metadata from the sequences used to create the BLAST database (such as GO terms or taxonomy information) will not be transferred by this tool. If metadata is relevant, consider using the Annotate CDS with Best DIAMOND Hit tool instead.

Note that choosing a very large BLAST database with millions of sequences (e.g. the nt, nr and refeseq_protein databases from the NCBI) will slow down the algorithm considerably, especially when there are many CDS in the input. Therefore, we recommend to use a medium-sized database such as "swissprot". In the wizard, you can choose between databases stored locally (Image blast_graphics_16_n_p) or remotely on the server (Image blast_server_16_n_p). If you create a workflow that you plan to run on a server, you should avoid locking the BLAST database parameter as the chosen database may not exist on the server.

If you select Create Report, the tool will create a summary report table. The report is divided in three parts:

The tool will output a copy of the input file containing the following fields when a hit for a CDS is found (figure 11.8):

Image blast-annotation
Figure 11.8: BLAST Best Hit annotations added to gene cds4 of h. pylori.

The tool can also output an annotation table summarizing information about the annotations added to the sequence list.