Master-grid node encrypted communication

By default, communication from grid nodes to a master takes place over HTTP. For HTTPS communication, the following must be in place:

Working with self-signed certificates on master-grid node setups

When working with self-signed certificates, configure the master as follows:

  1. If not already present, add a Connector that supports encrypted communication to the Tomcat configuration file, conf/server.xml.

    To do this, click on the HTTPS Configuration... button and choose the option "Edit Tomcat configuration".

    To easily add a new Connector of the expected form, click on the "Copy default SSL <Connector> configuration to clipboard" link near the top of the dialog and then paste the contents of the clipboard into the server.xml configuration file.

    If you are not using the self-signed certificate at conf/clc-server-self-signed.p12, you can click on the Include keystore file... button to add an X.509 certificate into the conf directory of the CLC Server installation.

  2. To use the self-signed certificate at conf/clc-server-self-signed.p12, update it with the correct hostname for the system. To do this, click on the HTTPS Configuration... button and choose the option "Create self-signed certificate". Ensure the correct hostname is in the "Hostname for certificate (Common Name)" field before clicking on the Create Certificate... button.

  3. Restart the CLC Server when prompted to arrange for a restart.
  4. Update the port setting for the master to use a port that supports encrypted communication.
  5. Check the box beside "Use HTTPS for node -> master communication".
  6. Click on the Save Configuration button.
  7. Click on the Certificates... button in the "SSL and certificate management" section.
  8. Click on the Trust Master Node button.

    This adds the master node's certificate to its own trust store.

Communication between the master and grid nodes will now be encrypted.