Configuring licenses as a consumable resource
Since there is a limitation on the number of licenses available, it is important that the local grid system is configured so that the number of CLC Grid Worker scripts launched is never higher than the maximum number of licenses installed. If the number of CLC Grid Worker scripts launched exceeds the number of licenses available, jobs unable to find a license will fail when they are executed.
Some grid systems support the concept of a consumable resource. Using this, you can set the number of CLC grid licenses available. This will restrict the number of CLC jobs launched to run on the grid at any one time to this number. Any job that is submitted while all licenses are already in use should sit in the queue until a license becomes available. We highly recommend that CLC grid licenses are configured as a consumable resource on the local grid submission system.
Information about how a consumable resource can be configured for LSF has been provided by IBM and can be found in Consumable Resources