Browse AWS S3 locations

The contents of AWS S3 buckets you have access to can be browsed by going to:

        Element info (Image main_configuration_16) | Browse S3 locations (Image ext-dat_16_n_p).

If the message "No active S3 locations found." is visible, it means that either no AWS Connections or AWS S3 public buckets have been configured, or that there is no access for the user logged in. Configuring AWS access is described in AWS Connections and AWS S3 public buckets.

Image s3browsing-via-server
Figure 7.9: Browse S3 buckets accessible via the CLC Server. Data can be uploaded, downloaded, deleted and new folders created using functionality in this tab.

When an item in an S3 bucket is selected, URLs to that item are shown below the file listing area and relevant options are enabled (figure 7.8).

The URLs can be copied using the Copy to clipboard button. They can be useful when copying data to import/export directories (see Import/export directories), when sharing the location of files with others, and when specifying inputs and locations to save to using the CLC Server Command Line Tools.

The actions available are:

The actions that can be taken in practice depend on the permissions for accessing the selected AWS S3 bucket and settings in the CLC Server for the user logged in.

Note: If you are using a CLC Genomics Cloud setup on AWS, non-admin users may see one or more entries called CGC system bucket. These cannot be browsed. They are used for system files, and are not intended for storing sample data or results. When logged in as an admin user, these buckets are listed with their full names, which start with cgc-system. They can be browsed but there is generally no need to do so.