Differential Expression and Pathway Analysis

The Differential Expression and Pathway Analysis (Image differential_gene_expression_and_pathway_analysis_wts_16_n_p) and the Differential Expression and Pathway Analysis from Count Matrix (Image differential_gene_expression_and_pathway_analysis_from_count_matrix_wts_16_n_p) template workflows can be used for performing differential expression analysis for gene or transcript expression data from groups of samples.

The two workflows include all the necessary steps for the analysis:

The two workflows differ in the accepted inputs:

Launching the workflows

To run these workflows, go to:

        Template Workflows | Biomedical Workflows (Image biomedical_twf_folder_open_16_n_p) | Whole Transcriptome Sequencing (Image rna_seq_group_closed_16_n_p)

and select:

        Differential Expression and Pathway Analysis (Image differential_gene_expression_and_pathway_analysis_wts_16_n_p)

        Differential Expression and Pathway Analysis from Count Matrix (Image differential_gene_expression_and_pathway_analysis_from_count_matrix_wts_16_n_p)

For general information about launching workflows, see https://resources.qiagenbioinformatics.com/manuals/clcgenomicsworkbench/current/index.php?manual=Launching_workflows_individually_in_batches.html

The input options can be configured in the following dialogs:

Options in the following dialogs can additionally be configured for both workflows:
