Compare Immune Repertoires

The Compare Immune Repertoires tool contrasts properties of immune repertoires, such as diversity and similarity.

To run Compare Immune Repertoires go to the Toolbox and select:

        Toolbox | Biomedical Genomics Analysis (Image biomedical_folder_closed_16_n_p) | Immune Repertoire Analysis (Image immune_rept_folderclosed_16_n_p) | Compare Immune Repertoires (Image immune_rept_compare_16_n_p)

This opens a dialog where a combination of TCR clonotypes (Image tcr_table_16_n_p) or BCR clonotypes (Image bcr_table_16_n_p), and Clonotype Sample Comparison (Image compared_clonotypes_16_n_p) objects to be compared can be selected. Note that TCR and BCR clonotypes cannot be mixed and only one type should be used at a time.

In the next step, the following options are available:

See Resolving of clonotypes for more details.
