Output from the Identify QIAseq DNA Somatic and Germline Variants from Tumor Normal Pair (Illumina) workflow

The Identify QIAseq DNA Somatic and Germline Variants from Tumor Normal Pair (Illumina) workflow produces a number of different outputs, some of which are available in a subfolder called Reports and Data. Figure 12.28 shows the structure of the output when looking at the analysis output for one matched tumor-normal pair.

Image outputqiaseqdnasomaticgermlineclosed
Figure 12.28: The outputs produced by the Identify QIAseq DNA Somatic and Germline Variants from Tumor Normal Pair (Illumina) workflow. A Track List, three main variant tracks and sample reports for the tumor and the normal sample, respectively are directly accessible, whereas the remaining outputs are placed in a subfolder called Reports and Data.

The outputs generated from the Identify QIAseq DNA Somatic and Germline Variants from Tumor Normal Pair (Illumina) workflow are:

Many of the generated reports hold information about different quality control metrics. For further information about what specifically to be aware of regarding quality control, please see Quality Control for the Identify QIAseq DNA Variants workflow.

The unfiltered variant tracks are provided to allow you to review the raw unfiltered variants. This can be relevant in cases where expected variants are missing from the filtered variants output and potentially have been filtered out due to low quality. The difference between the unfiltered variant track and the variants passing filters track is described in Output from the Identify QIAseq DNA Variants workflows.