Output from Detect Regional Ploidy

The tool produces the following outputs:

Target-level Ploidy Track

The target-level ploidy track contains the target regions and variants annotated with ploidy information. For target regions, original annotations from the tool Copy Number Variant Detection (Targeted) are also retained. The following columns have been modified or added by Detect Regional Ploidy:

Region-level Ploidy Track

The region-level ploidy track contains predicted region level ploidy states where target regions with the same ploidy state have been collapsed to one region. In addition to chromosome and region, the track contains the following information:

Detect Regional Ploidy algorithm report

The purity and normalization factor table shows the estimated purity and normalization factor along with confidence intervals. Low purity or a wide confidence interval for purity is an indication that the regional ploidy predictions are uncertain. In the target regions table the number of targets predicted to be in each ploidy state is shown.

The log coverage ratio plots give a genome-wide overview over detected ploidy states and variant frequencies. There are plots for all chromosomes (Figure 10.6), and individual chromosomes with at least one target. The x-axis is the genomic position, the y-axis is the fold change. Vertical lines separate chromosomes, and the striped line shows average coverage. There are points for each input target with colors and shapes based on their calculated ploidy states. Plots come in pairs. The second plot shows variant frequencies. This plot is similar to the above one, but the y-axis is variant allele frequencies. There are points for each input somatic variant with colors and shapes based on their calculated ploidy states.

Image genomic_plots
Figure 10.6: Log-coverage ratios for CNV targets and variant allele frequencies for somatic variants.

The next two subsections provide information useful for diagnosing potential problems with LOH detection. First, the expected coverage log-ratios for each ploidy state are shown along with the average coverage log-ratios for targets predicted to have this state. The expected coverage log-ratios are simply computed as in table 10.2 based on the estimated purity. Below the table is a plot with coverage log-ratios plotted against the base coverage. The points are colored by their predicted state and horizontal lines indicate the expected log-coverage ratio for each state (Figure 10.7).

Image coverage_ratio_by_state
Figure 10.7: Log-coverage ratios for each target with horizontal lines indicating the expected log-coverage ratio.

Second, the expected allele frequencies for each ploidy state are shown along with the average allele frequency for variants predicted to have this state. Again the expected allele frequencies are computed as in table 10.3 based on the estimated purity. Below the table is a plot with allele frequencies plotted against their coverage. The points are colored by their predicted state and horizontal lines indicate the expected allele frequency for each state (Figure 10.8).

Image allele_frequencies_by_state
Figure 10.8: Allele frequencies for each putative heterozygous variant with horizontal lines indicating the expected allele frequencies.