RNA secondary structure prediction
CLC Genomics Workbench uses a minimum free energy (MFE) approach to predict
RNA secondary structure. Here, the stability of a given secondary
structure is defined by the amount of free energy used (or released)
by its formation. The more negative free energy a structure has, the
more likely is its formation since more stored energy is released by
the event. Free energy contributions are considered additive, so the
total free energy of a secondary structure can be calculated by
adding the free energies of the individual structural elements.
Hence, the task of the prediction algorithm is to find the secondary
structure with the minimum free energy. As input to the algorithm
empirical energy parameters are used. These parameters summarize the
free energy contribution associated with a large number of
structural elements. A detailed structure overview can be found in
In CLC Genomics Workbench, structures are predicted by a modified version of Professor Michael Zukers well known algorithm [Zuker, 1989b] which is the algorithm behind a number of RNA-folding packages including MFOLD. Our algorithm is a dynamic programming algorithm for free energy minimization which includes free energy increments for coaxial stacking of stems when they are either adjacent or separated by a single mismatch. The thermodynamic energy parameters used are from the latest Mfold version 3, see http://www.bioinfo.rpi.edu/~zukerm/rna/energy/.
- Selecting sequences for prediction
- Structure output
- Partition function
- Advanced options
- Structure as annotation