Quality analysis

The quality analysis examines quality scores reported from technology-dependent base callers. Please note that the NGS import tools of the CLC Genomics Workbench and CLC Genomics Server convert quality scores to PHRED-scale, regardless of the data source. The following quality distributions are reported:
per-sequence quality distribution
Calculates amounts of sequences that feature individual PHRED-scores in 64 bins from 0 to 63. The quality score of a sequence as calculated as arithmetic mean of its base qualities.
per-base quality distribution
Calculates amounts of bases that feature individual PHRED-scores in 64 bins from 0 to 63. This results in a three-dimensional table, where dimension 1 refers to the base-position, dimension 2 refers to the quality-score and dimension 3 to amounts of bases observed at that position with that quality score.