Tree Settings

The Tree Settings Side Panel found in the left side of the view area can be used to adjust the tree layout and to visualize metadata that is associated with the tree nodes. The following section describes the visualization options available from the Tree Settings side panel. Note however that editing legend boxes related to metadata can be done directly from editing the metadata table (see the Metadata and Phylogenetic Trees section).

The preferred tree layout settings (user defined tree settings) can be saved and applied via the top right Save Tree Settings (figure 23.11). Settings can either be saved For This Tree Only or for all saved phylogenetic trees (For Tree View in General). The first option will save the layout of the tree for that tree only and it ensures that the layout is preserved even if it is exported and opened by a different user. The second option stores the layout globally in the Workbench and makes it available to other trees through the Apply Saved Settings option.

Image treesettings_sidepanel
Figure 23.11: Save, remove or apply preferred layout settings.
