The Cell Annotations element
Cell Annotations () elements contain information about cells and their annotations.
The Cell Annotations Table
The Cell Annotations Table () contains one row for each annotation, and has the following columns:
- Annotation. The value of the annotation.
- Cells. The number of cells with this annotation value.
Clicking on a row opens a separate table, listing the cells with the annotation value.
To create a new Cell Annotations element from a row selection in the Cell Annotations Table, use the Create Cell Annotations Element from Selection option in the right-click menu.
Cell Table
The Cell Table () for a Cell Annotations () element contains one row for each cell, and has the following columns:
- Sample. The sample that the cell is from.
- Barcode. The cell barcode.
They are followed by one column per annotation category, displaying the value of the annotation.
To create a new Cell Annotations element from a row selection in the Cell Table, use the Create Cell Annotations Element from Selection option in the right-click menu.