Barcodes from names

In some protocols, the cell barcode is not included in the read. For instance, the Illumina sample index can be used as a barcode:

Software converting Illumina output to FASTQ typically includes the sample index in the read name for both R1 and R2. Alternatively, separate FASTQ files can be generated for each sample index.

The cell barcode can be extracted from the name of the reads and/or input sequence list by adjusting the options in the Barcodes from names dialog (figure 6.3):

Image annotatereads_barcode_from_name
Figure 6.3: Extracting cell barcodes from the read and input names. The two previews show how the names are parsed into cell barcodes.

The Barcodes from names dialog has two previews, displaying how the read/input names are parsed into the cell barcode (figure 6.3). These previews help ensure that the name structure matches the input. If the configured structure is invalid, the preview may fail to determine the cell barcode.