Import Space Ranger

The Import Space Ranger tool can import spatial transcriptomics data from Space Ranger spatial outputs containing processed tissue images and barcode locations in those images. The importer produces a Spatial Transcriptomics Plot (Image spatial_transcriptomics_16_n_p) (see The Spatial Transcriptomics Plot element).

The importer can be found here:

        Import (Image Next_Folder_16_n_p) | Single Cell Data (Image single_cell_importers_16_n_p) | Import Spatial Transcriptomics (Image import_spatial_16_n_p) | Import Space Ranger (Image import_space_ranger_16_n_p)

The following options are available:

The sample name has to be defined through either Cell format, Sample, or Matrix. The sample name can be set using only one of these three options.

It is important that the Spatial Transcriptomics Plot and corresponding Expression Matrix/Dimensionality Reduction Plot have the same sample name, see The Spatial Transcriptomics Plot element.