Delete, restore and remove elements
When one deletes data held in a Workbench data location, it is moved to the recycle bin within that data location. Each data location has its own recycle bin. From the recycle bin, data can then be restored, or completely removed. Removal of data from the recycle bin frees disk space.
Deleting a folder or an element from a Workbench data location can be done in two ways:
right-click the element | Delete ()
or select the element | press Delete key
This will cause the element to be moved to the Recycle
Bin () where it is kept until the recycle bin is
emptied or until you choose to restore the data object to your data location.
For deleting annotations instead of folders or elements, see Removing Annotations.
Items in a recycle bin can be restored in two ways:
Drag the elements with the mouse into the folder where they used to be.
or select the element | right click and choose the option Restore.
Once restored, you can continue to work with that data.
All contents of the recycle bin can be removed by choosing to empty the recycle bin:
Edit in the Menu Bar | Empty Recycle Bin ()
This deletes the data and frees up disk space.
Note! This cannot be undone. Data is not recoverable after it is removed by emptying the recycle bin.
Deleting data held on a CLC Server
You can delete data that you have "write" permission for from CLC Server data areas when logged into a server from your Workbench. The method of deleting data is the same as described above when deleting data held in Workbench data locations. The deleted data is placed in a Recycle bin () on the CLC Server. The data in the server-based recycle bin can only be accessed by you and the server administrator. Note that the server administrator may have configured the recycle bin to be automatically emptied at regular intervals.