Output from the Prepare Overlapping Raw Data and Prepare Raw Data workflows

Different outputs are generated from the "Prepare Overlapping Raw Data" and "Prepare Raw Data" workflows.

Prepare Overlapping Raw Data. Performs quality control and trimming of the sequencing reads and merging of overlapping read pairs and generates five different outputs (figure 11.34).

Image prepare_over_raw_data_layout
Figure 11.34: Check the settings and save your results.

  1. QC graphic report. The report should be checked by the user.
  2. QC supplementary report. The report should be checked by the user.
  3. Trimming report (the trimmed sequences are automatically used as input in the merging of paired reads step). The report should be checked by the user.
  4. Merged reads output. Use as input together with the "Not merged reads output" in the next ready-to-use workflow.
  5. Not merged reads output. These should be used as input together with the "Merged reads output" in the next ready-to-use workflow.
  6. Broken pairs. We do not recommend to use them as input in the next ready-to-use workflow.

Prepare Raw Data. Performs quality control and trimming of the sequencing reads and generates five different outputs(figure 11.35).

Image prepare_raw_data_layout
Figure 11.35: Check the settings and save your results.

  1. QC graphic report. The report should be checked by the user.
  2. QC supplementary report. The report should be checked by the user.
  3. Trimming report. The report should be checked by the user.
  4. Trimmed sequences output. Use as input together with the "Trimmed sequences (broken pairs) output" in the next ready-to-use workflow.
  5. Trimmed sequences (broken pairs) output. We do not recommend to use as input in the next ready-to-use workflow.