The Cell Clonotypes element

A Cell Clonotypes element contains two views, one centered around the identified clonotypes, while the other is centered around the barcodes. Both views contain the following information (see figure 10.2):

Image cell_clonotypes_view
Figure 10.2: Views of the same Cell Clonotypes element. Note that not all table columns are shown. Clonotype with number 1 is highlighted in both views. Top: View centered around the identified clonotypes, sorted after the number of barcodes. The paired clonotypes are shown (both TRA + TRB or TRG + TRD chains), and when just one of the chains could be identified, the missing one is listed as NA, as seen for clonotypes 519 and 374. When a clonotype is selected, a second table lists the barcodes with the corresponding clonotype. Bottom: View centered around the barcodes, sorted by barcode. Rows with the same barcode have the same background color when the table is sorted after the barcode.

The view centered around the identified clonotypes additionally contains the numbers of barcodes with the given clonotype. Clicking on a row in this view opens a new table listing the corresponding barcodes (see figure 10.2).

The view centered around the barcodes also provides (see figure 10.2):