Download a static license on a non-networked machine
Follow the steps below to download a static license for a server machine that does not have direct access to the external network.
- Determine the host ID of the machine the server software will be running on. This can be done by running the back-end license download tool, which prints the host ID of the system to the terminal. The download tool is located in the installation folder of the CLC Server. The tool name depends on the system you are working on:
- Linux: downloadlicense
- Mac: downloadlicense.command
- Windows: licensedownload.bat
In the case of a job or grid node setup, the host ID should be for the machine that will act as the CLC Server master node.
- Make a copy of this host ID such that you can use it on a machine that has internet access.
Go to a computer with internet access, open a browser window and go to the license download web page:
- Paste in your license order ID and the host ID that you noted down earlier into the relevant boxes on the webpage.
- Click on 'download license' and save the resulting .lic file.
- On the machine with the host ID you specified when downloading the license file, place the license file in the folder called 'licenses' in the CLC Server installation directory.
- Restart the CLC software.