Somatic variant detection

Based on the read mapping, somatic variants are identified at positions where the read alignment supports a significant difference to the reference genome. This is achieved by a significance assessment relative to the global error rate which is supplemented by a significance assessment relative to the local error rate as estimated from the data in the local vicinity of the variant. Furthermore, variants are assessed for strand imbalance significance and an additional assessment of significance of variants in low complexity contexts.

In contrast to the germline variant caller (Germline variant detection), the somatic variant caller makes no assumptions about the ploidy of a sample, and thus allows for sensitive detection of variant alleles at any, and low, frequencies.

Variant types

LightSpeed Fastq to Somatic Variants reports SNPs, MNVs and InDels and replacements provided that the variants are contained within at least one paired end read.

Variant annotations

Variants identified by LightSpeed Fastq to Somatic Variants are annotated with the following basic information: Chromosome, Region, Type, Reference, Allele, Reference allele, Length, Zygosity, Count, Coverage, Frequency, Forward read count, Reverse read count, Forward read coverage, Reverse read coverage, Forward/reverse balance and Genotype.

Read more about these general variant annotations here:

In addition, the following LightSpeed specific annotations are available:

If the variants are called from UMI reads, additional UMI specific annotations will be added, see UMI grouping.