Tumor normal variant detection

Tumor normal variant detection relies on the same method as somatic variant detection (Somatic variant detection), but has additional steps where variants that are assesed to be significantly present in the normal reads are removed.

Variant types

LightSpeed Fastq to Somatic Variants Tumor Normal reports reports SNVs, MNVs, InDels and replacements, provided that the variants are contained within at least one paired end read.

Variant annotations

Variants identified by LightSpeed Fastq to Somatic Variants Tumor Normal are annotated with the following basic information: Chromosome, Region, Type, Reference, Allele, Reference allele, Length, Zygosity, Count, Coverage, Frequency, Forward read count, Reverse read count, Forward read coverage, Reverse read coverage, Forward/reverse balance and Genotype.

Read more about these general variant annotations here: https://resources.qiagenbioinformatics.com/manuals/clcgenomicsworkbench/current/index.php?manual=Variant_tracks.html.

In addition, variants called by LightSpeed Fastq to Somatic Variants Tumor Normal are annotated with both the same information as variants called by LightSpeed Fastq to Somatic Variants (Somatic variant detection) and information specific to the tumor normal analysis:

If the variants are called from UMI reads, additional UMI specific annotations will be added, see UMI grouping.