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System requirements
Installing modules
Licensing modules
Uninstalling modules
Installing server extensions
Licensing server extensions
Methods and tools
Local realignment
Structural variant detection
UMI grouping
Primer trimming
Germline variant detection
Somatic variant detection
Tumor normal variant detection
Variant detection using target regions
Compatibility with CLC Genomics Workbench tools
LightSpeed Fastq to Germline Variants
LightSpeed Fastq to Germline Variants outputs
LightSpeed Fastq to Somatic Variants
LightSpeed Fastq to Somatic Variants outputs
LightSpeed Fastq to Somatic Variants Tumor Normal
LightSpeed Fastq to Somatic Variants Tumor Normal outputs
Report from LightSpeed Fastq to Variants tools
Calculate TMB Score (LightSpeed)
Copy Number Variant Detection (WGS)
Copy Number Variant Detection (WGS) outputs
Template Workflows
General Template Workflows
Fastq to Germline Variants (WGS)
Outputs from Fastq to Germline Variants (WGS)
Fastq to Germline Variants (WES)
Outputs from Fastq to Germline Variants (WES)
Fastq to Somatic Variants (WGS)
Outputs from Fastq to Somatic Variants (WGS)
Fastq to Somatic Variants (WES)
Outputs from Fastq to Somatic Variants (WES)
Fastq to Somatic Variants (Tumor Normal) (WGS)
Outputs from Fastq to Somatic Variants (Tumor Normal) (WGS)
Fastq to Somatic Variants (Tumor Normal) (WES)
Outputs from Fastq to Somatic Variants (Tumor Normal) (WES)
Fastq to Germline CNV Control
Outputs from Fastq to Germline CNV Control
Fastq to Somatic CNV Control
Outputs from Fastq to Somatic CNV Control
Template Workflows - QIAseq Targeted DNA
QIAseq Fastq to Germline Variants
Outputs from QIAseq Fastq to Germline Variants
QIAseq Fastq to Somatic Variants
Outputs from QIAseq Fastq to Somatic Variants
QIAseq Fastq to Germline CNV Control
Outputs from QIAseq Fastq to Germline CNV Control
QIAseq Fastq to Somatic CNV Control
Outputs from QIAseq Fastq to Somatic CNV Control
Template Workflows - QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro
QIAseq Pro Fastq to Germline Variants
Outputs from QIAseq Pro Fastq to Germline Variants
QIAseq Pro Fastq to Somatic Variants
Outputs from QIAseq Pro Fastq to Somatic Variants
QIAseq Pro Fastq to Germline CNV Control
Outputs from QIAseq Pro Fastq to Germline CNV Control
QIAseq Pro Fastq to Somatic CNV Control
Outputs from QIAseq Pro Fastq to Somatic CNV Control
Methods and tools