Report from LightSpeed Fastq to Variants tools

The report from the LightSpeed variant calling tools provides information about each step that has been enabled in a given analysis. In the following, each section in the report is described.

The following terms are used in many sections of the report:


Input read QC

This section contains information about the input reads before quality and adapter trimming. Full descriptions of the per-sequence plots are available at and full descriptions of the per-sequence plots are available at

Per-sequence analysis

Per-base analysis

Quality trimming

The plot Read lengths of quality trimmed reads before / after trimming shows the length and number of reads that were quality trimmed before and after trimming (figure 3.19).

Image report_qtrim_plot
Figure 3.19: The number and length of quality trimmed reads before and after quality trimming.

Adapter trimming

The plot Read lengths of adapter trimmed reads before / after trimming shows the number of reads as a funtion of read length before and after adapter trimming (figure 3.20).

Image report_atrim_plot1
Figure 3.20: The number of reads as a function of read length before and after adapter trimming.

The plot Lengths of trimmed adapters shows the number and lengths of trimmed adapter sequences (figure 3.21).

Image report_atrim_plot2
Figure 3.21: The number and length of trimmed adapter sequences.

Mapping statistics

Insert size distribution

Plot showing the distribution of insert sizes in specific proper read pairs. The insert is defined as the distance between the 5' ends of R1 and R2. If reads are quality trimmed from the 5' end or are trimmed for UMI and common sequence, the removed bases are not included when calculating the insert size.



When calculating average and median number of read pairs per UMI, broken pairs are not included.

The plot Reads by group size shows the number of input reads distributed by the size of the UMI groups that they have been grouped to.

The plot Groups by group size shows the number of UMI groups distributed by the UMI group sizes.

The plot Reads by group size (duplex) shows the number of input reads distributed by the size of the duplex UMI groups that they have been grouped to. If reads are not assigned to a duplex UMI group, they are not represented in this plot.

The plot Groups by group size (duplex) shows the number of duplex UMI groups distributed by the duplex UMI group sizes.


Primer trimming

Variant detection