Outputs from QIAseq Pro Fastq to Somatic CNV Control
The QIAseq Pro Fastq to Somatic CNV Control template workflow produces the following outputs:
- Coverage Table A table () providing coverage information per position in the target regions. The coverage table can be used as control for copy number variant detection in the QIAseq Pro Fastq to Somatic Variants (QIAseq Pro Fastq to Somatic Variants) template workflow or directly in the tool Copy Number Variant Detection (Targeted) (https://resources.qiagenbioinformatics.com/manuals/clcgenomicsworkbench/current/index.php?manual=Copy_Number_Variant_Detection.html).
- LightSpeed Report A report () summarizing details of each analysis step performed by the LightSpeed Fastq to Somatic Variants tool.
- Coverage Report A report () summarizing coverage.
- Target Region Statistics Track A track () providing coverage information per target region.
- Sample Report A report () that contains compiled QC metrics from other reports and provides an overview of a given sample. The report contains a quality control section reflecting the summary items specified in the Create Sample Report wizard step.
The Coverage Table, Coverage Report, and the Target Region Statistics Track are produced by QC for Targeted Sequencing (https://resources.qiagenbioinformatics.com/manuals/clcgenomicsworkbench/current/index.php?manual=QC_Targeted_Sequencing.html).