QIAseq Fastq to Somatic Variants
The QIAseq Fastq to Somatic Variants template workflow identifies somatic variants from QIAseq Targeted DNA data and annotates these with exon number and amino acid changes. The workflow also produces a read mapping and a coverage report, and if provided with a baseline, copy number variation is also calculated.
The workflow can be found at:
Template Workflows | LightSpeed Workflows () | QIAseq workflows (
) | QIAseq Targeted DNA (
) | QIAseq Fastq to Somatic Variants (
Options in the following dialogs can be configured:
- Choose where to run If you are connected to a CLC Server via your Workbench, you will be asked where you would like to run the analysis. We recommend that you run the analysis on a CLC Server when possible.
- Specify reference data handling Select the relevant Reference Data Set. QIAseq DNA Panels hg19 will be pre-selected and is recommended for running this workflow. If you have not downloaded the Reference Data Set yet, the dialog will offer the opportunity to download it using the Download to Workbench button. If the QIAseq DNA Panels hg19 reference data set does not contain the needed primers and target regions, a custom reference data set can be created, see https://resources.qiagenbioinformatics.com/manuals/clcgenomicsworkbench/current/index.php?manual=Reference_Data_Sets_defining_Custom_Sets.html. Reference data sets for QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro and QIAseq Targeted DNA Ultra panels should not be used with this workflow. The differences in read structure will for example prevent primers from being correctly trimmed.
- LightSpeed Fastq to Somatic Variants
Specify options for the LightSpeed Fastq to Somatic Variants tool:
- Reads (fastq) Press Browse to select fastq files for analysis.
- Minimum frequency (%) Specify the minimum variant allelle frequency for detected variants.
- Minimum average quality Specify the minimum average quality of detected variants. See Somatic variant detection for additional details.
- Batch Select if fastq files from different samples are used as input, and each sample should be analyzed individually (for information about batching see Batching).
- Join lanes when batching Select to join fastq files from the same sample that were sequenced on different lanes.
- Target regions Choose the relevant target regions from the drop down list.
- Target primers Choose the relevant target primers from the drop down list.
- QC for Targeted Sequencing Set the Minimum coverage parameter of the QC for Targeted Sequencing tool. Using default settings, samples where 90 percent of target region positions do not meet this threshold will be flagged in the sample report generated by the workflow.
- Copy Number Variant Detection (Targeted) Specify Controls against which the coverage pattern in your sample will be compared in order to call CNVs. If you do not specify a control mapping the CNV analysis will not be carried out. Please note that if you want the CNV analysis to be done, it is important that the control mapping supplied is a meaningful control for the sample being analyzed. Mapping of control samples for the CNV analysis can be done using the workflows described in QIAseq Fastq to Somatic CNV Control. A meaningful control must satisfy two conditions: (1) It must have a copy number status that is meaningful to compare against. For panels with targets on the X and Y chromosomes, the control and sample should be matched for gender. (2) The control read mapping must result from the same type of processing that will be applied to the sample. For more information about CNV detection see https://resources.qiagenbioinformatics.com/manuals/clcgenomicsworkbench/current/index.php?manual=Copy_Number_Variant_Detection.html.
- Create Sample Report Select relevant summary items and specify thresholds for quality control. Summary items, thresholds and an indication of whether specified thresholds were met, will be shown in the quality control section of the sample report. The default summary items are appropriate for many data sets, but may need to be adjusted. For additional information, see https://resources.qiagenbioinformatics.com/manuals/clcgenomicsworkbench/current/index.php?manual=Create_Sample_Report.html.
- Result handling Choose if a workflow result metadata and/or log should be saved.
- Save location for new elements Choose where to save the data, and press Finish to start the analysis.