Associating data elements with metadata
Each row in a metadata table can be associated with one or more data elements, such as sequence lists, expression tracks, variant tracks, etc. Once data elements are associated with rows of a metadata table, it is then possible to use that metadata table to find data elements that share particular attributes, launch analyses like expression analyses where sample attributes are key, define batch units such that an analysis runs once per sample, or to group samples together according to their attributes when running certain types of workflows.
Each association has a "Role" label assigned to the associated element, which can be used to indicate the nature of the data element. For example, a newly imported sequence list could be given a role like "Sample data", or "NGS reads".
Associating data with metadata rows can happen in several ways, depending on the circumstances:
- By default, when input data for an analysis is associated with metadata, the results will inherit any unambiguous association. Appropriate role labels are assigned by the analysis tool. For example, a read mapping tool will assign the role "Unmapped reads" to a sequence list of unmapped reads that it produces.
- By default outputs from a workflow are associated with the relevant metadata rows in workflow results metadata tables. In these tables, the role assigned is always "Result data".
- Manually triggering data associations, either through matching the metadata key column entries with data element names, or by specifying the data element to associate with a given row. Here, roles to apply are chosen by you when triggering the associations.
The rest of this section describes this last point, where you associate data elements to metadata.
To do this, open a metadata table, and then click on the Associate Data button at the bottom of the Metadata Table view. Two options are available:
- Association Data Automatically Associations are set up based on matches between metadata key column entries and data elements names in a specified location of the Navigation Area. This option is only available if a key column has been specified. See section Associate Data Automatically.
- Associate Data with Row Manually make associations row by row, by selecting a row of the metadata and a particular data element in the Navigation Area. Here, information in the metadata table does not need to match data element names. This option is also available when right-clicking a row in the table. Associate Data with Row.