Configure license manager connection

If your organization is running a CLC Network License Manager, you can configure your Workbench to connect to it to get a license.

To configure a Workbench to connect to a CLC Network License Manager, select the Configure license manager connection option and click on the Next button. A dialog appears, as shown in figure 1.17.

Image floating_license_step2
Figure 1.17: Configuring the connection to a CLC Network License Manager.

The options in that dialog are:

Releasing Workbench network licenses

Once a network license for a CLC Workbench has been obtained, the Workbench must be shut down to release that license for others to use. While it is possible for a license to be pulled from a running Workbench, in practice, that Workbench will immediately retrieve the license just released.

Modules and network licenses

A relevant license is needed to run tools delivered by modules, and to submit jobs to be run on the cloud via a CLC Workbench.

To maximize availability, module licenses are first checked out when a job requiring the module is undertaken. Module licenses are checked back in (returned) when the CLC Workbench is closed, or four hours after the most recent job requiring that license was launched, whichever is shortest.

Job completion does not depend on the CLC Workbench having a module license checked out.

A note about borrowing module licenses: If you plan to borrow network module licenses and the CLC Network License Manager will not be continuously accessible from the CLC Workbench, then while there is still a connection, launch a job that requires the relevant module. If available, the relevant license will be checked out, and can then be borrowed. When a module license is borrowed, the four hour validity period mentioned above is not relevant. The module licenses are borrowed for the time period that you specify.

See Borrowing a license for further information about borrowing a license.
