QIAseq miRNA Library Kits

Quality Control Summarys
This first summary table is a combination of the most important data points from the Quality control report. All the data can be seen in the context of related QC data below.

Creation of UMI reads
Detailed QC from the process of creating the UMI reads as single consensus reads, from reads that have the same Unique Molecular Index.

Annotation Records Found

Unique search sequences
For annotating the reads with database information, the analysis collapses the reads into unique search sequences. Collapsing identical reads into unique search sequences significantly reduces the number of miRNA reads in the subsequent annotation step and thereby saves computational time. The annotations are subsequently transferred to the UMI reads used in the expression analysis.

Distribution of UMI reads annotated with the selected databases, Annotations are transferred from the unique search sequences and onto the individual reads..

Spike-ins quality control
This section appears when the sample analysis started in the Align and Count dialog has checked the Spike-ins option.