Enabling and disabling internal compression of CLC data

CLC data stored using internal compression takes less space. An option is provided under the Data compression heading to turn off internal data compression. See figure 3.1. Enabling data compression may impose a performance penalty depending on the characteristics of the hardware used. This penalty is typically small, and we generally recommend that this option remains enabled.

This setting applies to all configured file system locations. Any change will apply to data imported into or created after the change is made. Existing data is not affected.

Internal data compression and data compatibility Internal compression was introduced with the CLC Genomics Server 11.0 and corresponding client software, the CLC Genomics Workbench 12.0 and CLC Main Workbench 8.1. Data imported into or created by these systems and newer versions are compressed by default. However, software older than this, including retired products, cannot read the compressed data format.

Data created using older versions of CLC software will not be stored in compressed format.

To facilitate sharing particular datasets with people using older versions of the software, an option is available when exporting the data to CLC or zip format to export without this compression.