Export Loom Expression Matrix

For export in Loom format, a number of options can be specified (figure 3.3):

Image exporter_loom
Figure 3.3: Options for export of expression matrix in Loom format.

The Loom exporter creates a Loom file in format version 3.0.0, see https://linnarssonlab.org/loompy/format/index.html for details. In particular:

To load a Loom file "myFile.loom" in Seurat, the following code may be useful:

lfile <- connect(filename="myFile.loom", mode="r", skip.validate=TRUE)
mySeurat <- as.Seurat(lfile)

To load a Loom file "myFile.loom" in Scanpy, the following code may be useful:

import scanpy as sc
adata = sc.read_loom('myFile.loom',validate=False)