Detect Fusion Genes

The Detect Fusion Genes tool can be found in the Toolbox here:

        Tools | QIAseq Panel Expert Tools | QIAseq RNAscan Panel Expert Tools | Detect Fusion Genes

The Detect Fusion Genes tool takes an RNA-seq read mapping as input (figure 4.8).

Image findfusion1
Figure 4.8: Select an RNA-seq read mapping.

In the next dialog (figure 4.9), specify the reference sequence, gene and mRNA track that are saved in the CLC_References folder of the Navigation Area when downloading the QIAseq RNAscan Panels hg38 Reference Data Set. It is possible - but optional - to add a CDS or primer track to run the analysis.

Image findfusion2
Figure 4.9: Specify references and parameters for the detection.

The additional parameters to set are:

In the Result handling dialog, it is possible to choose to output a report with unaligned ends information (figure 4.10):

Image findfusion3
Figure 4.10: Unaligned ends report.

The tool otherwise generates a read mapping and a fusion track (see the details of the fusion track in Output from the Detect QIAseq RNAscan Fusions workflow section.