Installing external applications in a CLC Workbench

Submitting a workflow containing external applications to the cloud directly from the CLC Workbench is useful in situations where the person who should run the workflow does not have access to a CLC Server where the external applications are available. To do this, the external applications in the workflow must be available from the CLC Workbench. This involves the following steps:

  1. Export and share the external application

    From the CLC Server web interface, export the external application configuration(s) to an AWS S3 location accessible from the CLC Workbench that the external application will be installed on.

    Exporting external application configurations is described at

    More than one external application can be exported to a single file.

    To take these actions, you must be logged into the CLC Server as an administrator or as a user with rights to configure external applications.

    Some additional considerations when making external applications available this way are listed further down the page.

  2. Install the external applications in the CLC Workbench

    In a CLC Workbench with the CLC Cloud Module installed and a license for that module present:

    1. Navigate to the relevant AWS S3 location using the Remote Files tab (figure 5.1).

      Image extapps-configs-s3
      Figure 5.1: Two separate external application configuration files, Pangolin.xml and several-extapps.xml, have been exported from a CLC Server to an AWS S3 location that is accessible from this CLC Workbench.

    2. Select one or more external application configuration files, right-click, and choose the option Install External Applications (figure 5.2).

      Image extapps-install-on-wb-menu
      Figure 5.2: Select one or more external applications in the Remote Files tab, right click, and choose Install External Applications.

      Alternatively, double-click on one of the external applications files in AWS S3 and confirm that you wish to proceed (figure 5.3).

      If a file contains configurations for multiple external applications, all of them will be installed.

      Image extapps-install-on-wb-dblclick
      Figure 5.3: Double-click on an external application configuration file in the Remote Files tab, and confirm you wish to install the external application(s) defined in that XML file.

External applications installed this way are placed in the External Applications Cloud folder under the Tools menu (figure 5.4). These external applications can be included in a workflow and such workflows submitted to run on the cloud directly from the CLC Workbench (see Submitting analyses to AWS from a Workbench).

Note: The organization of the tools in the External Applications folder depends its configuration. This is under the control of your server administrator.

Image extapps-installed-on-wb
Figure 5.4: External applications in the External Applications Cloud folder under the Tools menu can be included in workflows to be run on the cloud.

Note: External applications cannot be run directly on the CLC Workbench, within or outside of a workflow.

Some considerations when making external applications available this way:

Uninstalling a Workbench-installed external application

An external application can be uninstalled from the CLC Workbench by locating it in the Tools menu in the Toolbox as the bottom, left side of the Workbench, right-clicking on its name, and choosing Uninstall External Application from the menu that appears (figure 5.5).

Image uninstall-extapp-cloud-wb
Figure 5.1: Uninstall an external application by right-clicking on its name under the Tools menu in the Toolbox and selecting the option to uninstall it from the menu.