Configuring cloud presets

When submitting a job to a CLC Genomics Cloud setup via a CLC Server, the submitter specifies a cloud preset to use. Each preset is configured with the name of a single AWS Batch queue. When a given preset is selected, jobs are sent to the corresponding AWS Batch queue.

Creating and editing cloud presets

To view information about existing cloud presets or edit those presets, or to create new cloud presets, log into the CLC Server web administrative interface and go to:

        Extensions (Image extensions_16) | CLC Genomics Cloud (Image gce_16)

New cloud presets can be added by clicking on the Add Preset... button. Existing cloud presets can be edited, tested, or deleted (figure 4.2). When creating or editing a cloud preset, the AWS Connection to use is selected from a drop-down list, and then the AWS Batch queue to use for that preset can be selected (figure 4.3).

Notes relating to cloud preset configurations:

Image clc_genomics_cloud_preset_tab
Figure 4.3: Cloud presets can be created, managed and tested under the CLC Genomics Cloud tab. This requires the Cloud Server Plugin to be installed and at least one AWS Connection where the IAM user has access to a CLC Genomics Cloud setup.

Image edit_cloud_preset_server
Figure 4.4: When editing or adding cloud presets, the AWS Connection and the relevant AWS Batch queue are specified. Information about the status of the preset is provided. A green dot indicates that the connection is valid.

An AWS Connection must have been configured before cloud presets can be configured.