Filter Immune Repertoire

The Filter Immune Repertoire tool can be used to restrict clonotypes to only a specific subset, for example, only productive clonotypes, or clonotypes with a specific chain.

To run Filter Immune Repertoire go to the Toolbox and select:

        Tools | QIAseq Panel Expert Tools (Image qiaseq_expert_folder_closed_16_n_p) | Immune Repertoire Expert Tools (Image immune_rept_folderclosed_16_n_p) | Filter Immune Repertoire (Image filter_immune_rept_16_n_p)

This opens a dialog where a TCR clonotypes element (Image tcr_table_16_n_p) or BCR clonotypes element (Image bcr_table_16_n_p) can be selected. Click Next to navigate through the different dialogs and configure the execution (see figures 8.118.12, and 8.13).

Image filter_general
Figure 8.11: The default settings in the General filtering dialog.

Image filter_high_freq
Figure 8.12: The default settings in the High frequency filtering dialog.

Image filter_low_freq
Figure 8.13: The default settings in the Low frequency filtering dialog.

Multiple filter options can be selected to obtain the desired output. Note that the filters are applied independently.