Samples produced by sequencer were not submitted for analysis

If samples produced by the sequencer were not submitted to the CLC Genomics Server, it could be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Analysis automation service is not running:

    Check that the analysis automation service is running. If the service is not running, start it by following the steps provided in Starting and stopping analysis automation service. If it is running, check that the automation configurations are enabled.

  2. The automation configuration settings are incorrect:

    Check that the settings provided in the automation configurations are correct. Issues could for example be typos, an incorrect number of files per sample when using files-per-sample detection (see Definition of sample completion), or a too short sample detection delay (see Sample detection delay). It is recommended to test each automation configuration before saving it as described in Adding automation configuration.

  3. Sequencer folders have not been added as import directories on CLC Genomics Server:

    The sequencer folders defined in the automation configurations must be added as import directories on the CLC Genomics Server (see Sequencer folder).

  4. Export folders have not been added as export directories on CLC Genomics Server:

    If the analysis jobs should be executed on the CLC Genomics Server, the export folders defined in the automation configurations must be added as export directories on the server (see Export folder).

  5. Automation configuration has been deactivated due to error:

    The analysis automation service starts a job submitter for each of the enabled automation configurations. If one of these submitters encounter an unrecoverable error during job submission, automation for the given configuration will be stopped and its status icon will turn red. Please check the log file (see Accessing log file) for error messages. To reactivate the configuration please either restart the analysis automation service, or disable+enable the configuration while the service is running by selecting the configuration and clicking the disable/enable buttons as described in Multi-configuration operations.