
The report from the LightSpeed tools provides information about each step that has been enabled in a given analysis. In the following, each section in the report is described.


Quality trimming

The plot Read lengths of quality trimmed reads before / after trimming shows the length and number of reads that were quality trimmed before and after trimming (figure 3.16).

Image report_qtrim_plot
Figure 3.16: The number and length of quality trimmed reads before and after quality trimming.

Adapter trimming

The plot Read lengths of adapter trimmed reads before / after trimming shows the number of reads as a funtion of read length before and after adapter trimming (figure 3.17).

Image report_atrim_plot1
Figure 3.17: The number of reads as a function of read length before and after adapter trimming.

The plot Lengths of trimmed adapters shows the number and lengths of trimmed adapter sequences (figure 3.18).

Image report_atrim_plot2
Figure 3.18: The number and length of trimmed adapter sequences.

Mapping statistics