Reference data for non-networked systems

This section describes how to obtain reference data provided by QIAGEN for use on a Biomedical Genomics Workbench installed on a machine without access to the external network.

  1. Install a copy of the Biomedical Genomics Workbench on a machine with access to the external network.
  2. If you do not have a license for this Workbench installation, then download an evaluation license via the Workbench License Manager. If you have problems obtaining an evaluation license this way, please write to us at
  3. Use the Reference Data Manager on the Workbench that has access to the external network to download the reference data of interest. By default, this would be downloaded to a folder called CLC_References.
  4. When the download is completed, copy the CLC_References folder and all its contents to a location where the machines with the CLC software installed can access it.
  5. Get the software to refer to that folder for reference data: in the Navigation Area of the non-networked Workbench, right click on the CLC_References, and choose the option "Specify Reference Location...". Choose the folder you imported from the networked Workbench and click Select.

You can then configure the data to use with ready-to-use workflows using the Reference Data Manager.