Other grid worker options

Some java options can be set specifically for grid workers. This is done by creating a file called:


and placing it in the same folder as the deployed clcgridworker script, that is, within the folder specified in the Path to CLC Grid Worker field of the grid preset. Each grid preset can have its own clcgridworker.vmoptions file.

Options that may be of particular use for grid workers include:

For example, if a clcgridworker.vmoptions was created, containing the following line, it would, for the CLC Grid Worker specified in a given preset, set a temporary directory for the grid nodes, overriding the default that would otherwise apply:


Memory settings for grid workers

If memory limits set using auto-detection, described in Understanding memory settings, need to be overridden, then we recommend this be done using the CLC Grid Worker memory limit field of the grid preset configuration, as described in Configure grid presets. In earlier versions of CLC Server, a line of the form -Xmx<value> may have been added to a clcgridworker.vmoptions file to specify this limit. If setting limits in a grid preset, any -Xmx settings from clcgridworker.vmoptions files, should be removed, as values in these files will override those in a grid preset.